(Monday, 11th Until Sunday 31st July 2011)
You shall increase my greatness and comfort me on every side – Psalm 71:21
Yours, O LORD is the greatness.
The power and the glory, the Victory and the majesty, for all that is in heaven and in earth is yours; Yours is the kingdom O LORD, and You are exalted as head over all.
Both riches and honour come from You, and You reign over all. In Your hand it is to make great and to give strength into all. 1 Chron. 29:11-12
When God intends mercy for His people the first thing He does is to set them praying – Matthew Henry
• Matthew 17:14-21; Isaiah 40:1-31; Joel 2:12-31;
• Isaiah 58:1-14; Ephesians 6:1-18;
• Psalms 1, 18, 24, 51, 100, 107.
Fasting shall be from 12 MN to 6 PM daily without food but water may be taken. Joint prayers shall be going on in the morning at 6:00 a.m. – 7:15 a.m. (Keep the Fire burning period) and in the evening during Church service on Wednesday bible study 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. and Friday Prayer Meeting 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. as well during House Fellowships.
Monday, 11th to Sunday, 17th July: Week of Praise, Thanksgiving, Examination
Day 1 ~ Monday : Ps. 100; Ps. 148; Ps. 149; Ps. 150; Eph. 5:19
Spend today to praise and worship God in songs, hymns and psalms. Praise Him for who He is!
Day 2 ~ Tuesday: Ps. 100; Ps. 103; Ps. 107; Ps. 136; 1 Thess. 5:18
Spend today just to thank God for what He has done or would done for you. Sing and worship Him intensely.
Day 3 ~ Wednesday: Ps. 8; Ps. 19; 1 Chron. 29; Ps. 104; Ps. 135; Ps. 138
Go through the scriptures today and praise God further for who He is to you, your family and Church.
Day 4 ~ Thursday: Ps. 105; Ps. 118; Ps. 147
Go through the scriptures and thank God further for all His goodness, mercies and blessings over your life, family, Church and nation.
Day 5 ~ Friday: Ps. 138:1-24; Ps. 51:1-18; Ps. 24:1-6
Spend today to ask the Lord to search your life and bring out issues that need to be dealt with, confess them unto the Lord sincerely one by one, ask for mercy and forgiveness ask for cleansing from all sins by the blood of Jesus.
Day 6 ~ Saturday: Mal 3:3; Heb. 12:1-2; 9:11-14
Ask God today to purge you completely from every weakness and easily besetting sin, ask for the blood of Jesus and the fire of the Holy Spirit to set you free and manipulating spirit to go.
Day 7 ~ Sunday: Lk. 3:16-17, 21; 11:11-13; Acts 2:1-4; Acts 4:31-33
Ask for the Holy Spirit to come in your life and saturate your life completely. Ask God for grace to live a holy life without sin.
Monday, 18th – Sunday, 24th July : Prayer For Different Groups. 1 Tim. 2:1-4
Day 8 ~ Monday Ps. 85:6
Pray for the Church in UK for the fulfilment of the promised revival of righteousness and power. Pray the Holy Spirit will sweep through the whole nation.
Day 9 ~ Tuesday: Ps. 122: Prov. 14:34
Pray for the nation UK and other nations of the world. Pray for God to shake the different institutions of this nation and uproot every seed of evil and ungodliness. Pray for the people to seek for solution in Christ.
Day 10 ~ Wednesday: Mt. 16:15-19
Pray for the RCCG Worldwide for the General Overseer for more wisdom, grace and anointing to continue to lead the Church in a powerful and wonderful way. Pray for Pastors, Ministers and members for God’s favour and blessings.
Day 11 ~ Thursday: Is. 62:1-12
Pray specially for the annual National Convention in Nigeria for special miracles, sings and wonders. For Salvation of souls in multitudes and journey mercies. Pray for regular Holy Ghost Services and other programmes of the mission.
Day 12 ~ Friday: Jn. 16:24
Pray for all the churches and the associated ministries of the RCCG like Christ Redeemers Ministries Bible Colleges, CRM Schools, African Missions, CRFT Disaster Relief, Missionaries and leaders of these groups for more grace and strength and for all activities to be done in the fear of God. Pray for more positive results, progress and resources.
Day 13 ~ Saturday: Eph. 6:10-12
Pray for RCCG UK for the Executives, Directorates, Zonal, Area and Parish Pastors and Churches. Pray for Ministers, Workers and Members. Pray that God would prosper all our efforts wonderfully and build all the churches.
Day 14 ~ Sunday: Hab. 2:1-3
Pray for RCCG The King’s Parish. Pray that all shall be well with us. God would build the Church into a mega church sooner than we imagined; pray for faithful workers and resources to carry out all our programmes.
Monday, 25th – Sunday, 31st July: Personal Prayers
Day 15 ~ Monday: Ps. 122:1-9
Pray for RCCG The King’s Parish for the Pastor for special grace and anointing upon him to carry out the task of shepherding His Christ. Pray for more grace and anointing upon the ministers and workers. Pray for answered prayers for members. Pray that God would fulfil all His good promises and prophecies concerning us this year quickly in Jesus name.
Day 16 ~ Tuesday Jer. 33:3; Mt. 7:7; Mt. 22:37-40
Pray to God to love Him afresh with all your heart, soul and strength.
Day 17 ~ Wednesday: Jn. 15:16
Pray that God would help you to be more committed to Him than ever before and to produce fruits that would abide unto God’s glory.
Day 18 ~ Thursday: 1 Chron 29:10-12
Since God can make great, ask Him to help you to become great in all areas of life. Ask God to deal with and destroy completely every obstacle to your greatness.
Day 19 ~ Friday: 2 Kings 5:1; 3 Jn. 2
Ask God to give you complete greatness that has no ‘BUT’ attached.
Day 20 ~ Saturday: Jer. 29:10-12; 2 Chron. 20:20
Pray that you would fulfil your purpose in life. Pray that all the promises and prophecies for this year would come to pass speedily in your life this year.
Add your own prayers
Day 21 ~ Sunday : 1 Thess. 5:18; Jn. 11:41-45
Thank God for answered to all your prayers, worship Him intensely.