MAIN BIBLE PASSAGES: ST. MATTHEW 6:1-18, ISAIAH 58:1-14; 62:1-12
Fasting shall be from 12.00mn to 6.00pm daily. Water may be taken during this period. ENSURE you spend one tenth of each in His presence; in prayer, reading/listening to the word of God or in fellowship meeting. ENSURE that you engage in charitable deeds (Mt.6), or works of mercy including regular preaching of the gospel, tracts/fliers distribution, house to house visit, house fellowship, intercession for others particularly unsaved members of family/neighbours, care for spiritual leaders, the poor, the needy, the disadvantaged, the elderly, the children, the sick, etc. as well as seed faith to the work of God.
PRAYERS would take place in the Church every Wednesday,7.00pm to 8.00pm (followed by bible Study,8.00pm to 9.00pm) and Friday,7.00pm to 9.00pm.There would be intense prayers and ministrations in the last 3 days; i.e. Wed. 25th to Fri. 27th July, 2012.
1. Spend time praising and worshipping God daily. Read aloud one or two Psalms of praise listed below daily: Ps. 8, 18, 19, 47, 48, 84, 92, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 110, 111, 113, 114, 115, 117, 118, 124, 134, 135, 136, 138, 139, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150.
2. Read one of the following daily after worship (Ps 51, Is.58, Is.59, 2Chron.7:13-15, Rom.8:1-30, Jn.15:1-16, Prov.28:1-28) and then pray as the Lord would direct you on Self examination, confession of sins, genuine repentance and rededication. Ask for grace to sin no more and live a daily life that is pleasing unto the Lord.
Read Is. 43:13, 18-21, then pray the following.
3. a. Father, draw me into every experience necessary for my breakthrough in Jesus Name (IJN).Amen.
b. Father, heal my prayer life IJN.
c. Father, release fire upon my prayer life IJN.
d. Father, sustain my prayer life IJN.
e. Father help me pray through to breakthrough IJN.
f. Father, whatever represents the prince of Persia or barriers to my prayers, demolish IJN!
g. Father, remove my fears IJN.
h. Father, destroy the root of fear in my life IJN.
i. I bind the spirit of fear in my life IJN.
j. I release the spirit of faith IJN.
k. I resist every temptation to doubt God or His word IJN.
Read Hos. 10:12, Is. 61:11, Is. 45:8 and pray the following.
4. a. Father, let there be new breakthroughs of righteousness in my community, my borough, Waltham Forest, London, UK and nations of the world IJN.
b. Father, let there be new breakthrough of righteousness, revival and evangelism in the body of Christ, RCCG UK & Worldwide, in the life of Pastors, Evangelists & Missionaires all over the world IJN.
c. Read Jn. 14:13-14; 16:24, Is. 66:8; 42:5-9 and pray the following:
Father, let there be new breakthroughs in my life and family THIS SEASON & THIS YEAR in IJN. New joy, new promotion, new revelations, new anointing and power IJN! Father, let there be new projects, new provisions, new things of life IJN! Father, let there be new miracles, new wonders and signs, new souls won to your kingdom, new levels of exploits IJN!
5. Read Ps. 24, Mt. 16:18, Is. 43:18-19 and pray the following:
a. Father, in a way beyond human understanding, grant us this year 2012 our own building property as a Church because the earth belongs to you and the fullness thereof IJN!
b. Father, in our Church, RCCG The King’s Parish, London, let there be new miracles, signs and wonders, new breakthroughs for every member, new victories, new promotions, new expansions, multitudes of members, let us grow in grace, favour, spirit, word, faith, love and anointing IJN!
6. Read Joel 2:21-27 & Is. 42:13-14 and pray the following:
Father, restore every good things I have lost before according to the counsel of your will for my life IJN!
7. READ Is. 41:10-17, Rom. 8:26-28 and pray the following:
Father, help me to fulfill your purpose for my life IJN!
8. Read Rom. 9:11-26, Rev. 21:1-7 and pray the following:
Father, I want to make it to Heaven, count me worthy according to your mercies and blood of the Lamb IJN.
9. Read Rom.8:28, Is.3:10 and pray the following:
Father, Let all be well with me, my family, my relations, my brethren, my Church, my friends, my present and my future IJN!
10. READ 1 Thess. 5:18, Ps. 100, Ps. 23 and pray the following:
Father, thank you for answering all my prayers. All the glory be to your most holy name in Jesus most excellent name! Amen.
God bless you.
Pastor Phillip Oyetunji