In the last study, we considered the word of prophecy: ‘You shall break forth this year’. We were able to find out that God’s holy arm can make one to break forth into Joy singing a miraculous life next level of greatnesses.
Your part is found in obedience to His divine commands to serving Him with purpose passion and joy and lastly being strong and courageous in breaking forth.
May God bless us as we study in Jesus’ name (amen).
You can actualise God’s prophetic word for your life this year.
King Jehoshaphat principle is a classical example of how a man or nation can actualise God’s prophetic word.
What are the methods that King Jehoshaphat followed that brought him and his nation a great sweat less and amazing victory in the midst of intimidating situations and enemies?
- Jehoshaphat heard the message and believed. 2 Chron. 20: 15-19; Rom. 10:17; Num.23:19; 2 Kings 7:1-3,18-20; Mk. 9:23
- Jehoshaphat worshipped God. 2 Chron. 20: 18-19; Ps. 29:1-2; Ps. 22:3; Jn. 4:23-24
- Jehoshaphat and his people praised the Lord. 2 Chron. 20:19; Ps. 48:1-14; 2 Chron. 5:12-14
- Jehoshaphat encouraged his people with the word of faith. 2 Chron. 20: 20, 1 Sam. 30:1-8, 18; Hos. 4: 6; Jer. 9:23; Heb. 4:12, Jn. 6:63
- Jehoshaphat took action of faith and obedience. 2 Chron. 20:21; Heb. 11:6, 30, 33-35; Deut. 28: 1-2
Be strong and of good courage to obey Him, to obey His word, to serve Him, to carry out divine assignments or those relating to your destiny.