The glory of God is much needed in the church today. Without His Glory, His power cannot be manifested as we expect it to 2 Corinthians 3:18. Nobody can argue with. Reality when the glory of God is full manifestation. When there are signs and wonders, souls are saved.
There is the earthly fathers business and there is the heavenly fathers business.
Here Jesus was talking about the heavenly fathers business. His supposed earthly fathers business is carpentry; he was in fact described as a son of a carpenter. Mt. 13:54-58.
Jesus from his youth knew who his actual father was. His actual father is the heavenly father. His supposed earthly father business is caretaker. Jn.8:40-42.
There are 3 kinds of fathers:
- The earthly /biological father. Lk. 15:11-13
- The devil. Jn. 8:44
- The Heavenly Father, GOD. Jn. 8:42
There are 4 Business Types:
- The earthly fathers business which would perish and is temporal. 1 Jn. 2:15-17
- The Personal Business. Rev. 3:15-18
- The devil’s business. Rev. 20:1-3,14-15
- The Father’s business (God). Rev.2:1-7,10-11,17,25-29;3:5-8,15-22;4:1;21:7
But what is the Father’s business?
In Luke 2, Jesus was found in the temple discussing about the laws and commandments with the Pharisees and Saducees. This gives us the first insight into the father’s business. Lk. 3:21-22; 4:18-19, Jn. 4:34; 9:1-7; Lk. 19:5-10; Lk. 14:11-35; 15:3-10; Acts10:38.
He commissioned the disciples even when He was on earth to go out. Mk. 3:13-15; Lk. 10:1-20
The Father’s Business in summary:
1. Becoming witnesses for Christ. Acts 1:8
2. Preaching the gospel and winning souls to the kingdom. Mark 16:15-20
3. Teaching the people to become Disciples of Christ. Matt. 28:18-20
4. Planting Churches and House fellowships. Acts 2:46; Rom. 16:3-5
5. Carrying out healings deliverances and other works of mercy. Acts 3:2, 6-10; Acts 8:5-8
6. Fulfilling a specific call of the Father’s business. Acts 26:15-19
7. Prayer. Jn. 4:23-24